Happy 2016 / O'Reilly Podcast

Happy 2016!

Happy new year everyone! It’s been a while since I updated my blog, and that’s because around the time of my last blog I joined Tuplejump, and have been busy working on FiloDB, speaking at Spark Summit Europe and Strata Singapore, starting a new consulting gig, and lots more! Plus the holidays are always extremely busy. We’ve had lots of snow here, which means lots of friends visiting, time snowboarding and enjoying our backyard sled run, and lots of shoveling and exercise. :)

![Snow In Backyard](/images/snow_backyard.jpg)

O’Reilly Podcast!

Oh, and I recorded my first Podcast with O’Reilly’s Ben Lorica! It was an awesome experience, talking big data, streaming analytics and FiloDB. If you’d like to see the transcript and listen, go to this link below:

(Building a scalable platform for streaming updates and analytics)[https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/building-a-scalable-platform-for-streaming-updates-and-analytics]

May this year bring you much joy, peace, hope, and most importantly, love!

Written on January 10, 2016